New school year in the Chin Hills
It has already been two months since Families Together started the 2010-2011 school year in Northern Chin State. This is how our Project Leader remembers the tiresome, yet rewarding time of travelling in the Chin Hills Jungle.
Not so long ago
It has been two months since I came back to Yangon, but it still remains clearly in my memory almost every detail of the trip as if it just happened a day or two ago. I am happy to tell you why it is so.

A tiresome trip
We have the total of eight preschools and two primary schools, and another new primary school which is partly supported from this year in a small village. snapchat online login The local area supervisor and I were able to reach each village to reopen the schools for the new academic year in the first week of June. As we knew ahead of time, the jungle track we would take on was steep, bumpy, bushy and very tiresome. We were a bit afraid to even start on the more than 10 day foot-journey. As it normally is in the rainy season, the conditions of the first two-three days were indeed worsened by the heavy monsoon rain which in turn caused swarms of leeches welcoming us throughout the bushy track to feed their selves with our blood. We were really physically exhausted at the end of it. But I am happy to say this: the pure, cordial and genuine fellowship of each villager, their warm company throughout our trip, their thankful and blessing words, and their simple but honest and heart-felt hospitalities and entertainments were more than enough to redeem our physical exhaustion. It is really difficult to find adequate words to relate the joy and happiness they shown.
A dream comes through
When we gave small gifts like umbrellas and bags to the children, we saw the same joy in them as in their parents. The improvement of the children was also strong yeast to our emotions. The academic level of the students has really excelled in the last year. More children in the villages can read now than ever before. But more than that, it was indeed our highest satisfaction to see the stability of each family, no longer sending their young children away to cities to have them get education. Believe it or not, some children are taken back from orphanages; some families come back to their village! Thanks be to God for this great mercy practically shown to the poor people in these remote jungle villages. We, along with the villagers, are really thankful to well-wishers and helpers around the globe, whom our Father has been using as His channel of blessings.
More students, more teachers, and more schools
Presently we have ten primary school teachers and 18 preschool teachers for the 151 primary students, and the 296 preschool children in this area in the Northern Chin State. We have more schools in the Southern Chin State in a different project area, about which we have not mention here.Watch Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download
May God bless you,
Project Leader
Families Together